Ever had the frustration of having to open up ‘Developer PowerShell for VS’ for every small C++ program you write, and then having to
to where it’s saved, only to accidentally close it after a run and curse yourself why you did that? Fear not, for there’s a simple solution!
Templates in C++ are what I like to refer to as the ‘Dark side’ of C++, as I always considered them the pathway to many abilities I consider unnatural, since they allow one to compute complex results at compile time. Yeah, not at runtime, but at compile time! This means that by the time the compiler spits out a binary, the only thing that’s in it (apart from things you want to run at runtime, obviously) is the result of said template magic.
Mahindra École Centrale had procured Nvidia’s DGX-1 in early 2019 to promote on-campus research in AI/ML. A few weeks later, on May 27th, a team from Nvidia’s Deeplearning Institute came over to introduce the behemoth and teach all students and faculty how to use those sweet 1000 TeraFlops. Till then, most students, including me, relied on the free tier of Google, Azure, and Amazon (not in any particular order), for all our deeplearning and HPC related needs.